Holiday Cookies 2010

At the end of 2008 I had the brilliant idea to send out cookies to a few friends for the holidays.  The cookies were well received and, since I don’t bake that often, I enjoyed having an excuse/reason to do a lot of baking without the problem of then wanting to do a lot of eating. 

I wanted to do the same thing at the end of 2009 but the year got away from me and I just ran out of time.  After Christmas I had the somewhat less than brilliant idea that I should bake and send cookies to significantly more people.  In fact, I should send cookies to friends and family all over the US!  With the help of Art and Lance, I compiled my list, noting how many people were in each household I wanted to gift.  The list quickly grew to over 100.  Ack. 

Then, continuing in my not so brilliance, I decided that I should bake 10 different types of cookies.  10 is a nice, round number you see.  I went through my recipes, asked a few people for advice, and came up with the following list as a good mix of spicy, chocolaty, and nutty. 

Anzac Biscuits
Candy Cane Cookies
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Mint Crinkles
Double-Chocolate Cookies
Pepparkakor (Gingerbread)
Lemon Sugar Cookies
Peanut Butter Blossoms
Pecan Powder Puffs

And, since I’ve got to make sure that everyone gets at least one of each type, some quick math led to the realization that I would be cooking around 1000 cookies. 

1000 cookies. 

I’m not sure I have room for that many cookies in my house!  I realized that minor detail about space after I shopped for all of the ingredients, though, so I’m now committed to this course of insanity. 

Behold, the ingredients required to cook 1000 cookies. 

Baking supplies